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automated management system
electronic class register
institution of general secondary education
informational and educational environment
personal data
digital educational communication

How to Cite

S. Lytvynova, O. Melnyk, and A. Sukhikh, “ELECTRONIC CLASS REGISTER AS A TOOL OF DIGITAL EDUCATIONAL COMMUNICATION: RESULTS OF THE ALL-UKRAINIAN SURVEY”, ITLT, vol. 100, no. 2, pp. 141–161, Apr. 2024, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v100i2.5516.


The article provides a definition of digital educational communication and considers the issue of using an electronic class register in general secondary education institutions as a digital tool necessary for organizing the educational process in modern conditions. The main advantages and features of the implementation of an electronic class register during distance learning are highlighted. The results of an all-Ukrainian survey of pedagogical workers regarding the use of electronic class register were analyzed and given, during which attention was paid to such aspects as: convenience, correspondence of electronic class register to the paper version, efficiency of using the digital tool, available sections and functionality. On a positive note, the majority of respondents are adopting electronic class registers and consider them to be a necessary tool nowadays, with about half of respondents indicating that they help teachers use their working time effectively. On the other hand, the study shows that the use of electronic class registers has a downside, such as duplicating information on paper, which is required by the administration of the educational institutions, and that is a waste of time. It was found that almost all electronic class registers need some improvement. It was established that they lack some sections, a mobile application or its limited functions or an inconvenient interface, the lack of an opportunity to generate a new sample report card (NUSH), as well as existing problems with the division of the class into subgroups, the correct calculation of the thematic evaluation, transfer of evaluations when a student is transferred to another class or a subgroup, etc. Attention is focused on the need for developers to take into account the comments of practicing teachers in order to improve the quality of a modern digital tool. In general, the results of the study indicate the expediency of involving pedagogical workers in the design of electronic class registers in the future and the need to make certain decisions regarding the improvement of the legal framework for the control of this digital tool and the proper preservation of personal data of students at the state level.

PDF (Ukrainian)


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Copyright (c) 2024 Svitlana Lytvynova, Oksana Melnyk, Alisa Sukhikh


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