In recent years, the global education system has undergone a transformative shift, relying increasingly on online tools to prove its resilience in the face of various challenges, including epidemiological events. This paper seeks to introduce a Learning Management System (LMS) designed to elevate the delivery of educational content, fostering the training and development of students' knowledge in a dynamic and adaptive learning environment anchored to the connectivity and synchronization needs of smart urban living. The system proposes the integration of a language generation model equipped with Application Programming Interface (API) access. This choice not only streamlines instructor support but also facilitates the creation of courses using an adapted and coherent language. The system goes beyond traditional LMS functionalities by providing suggestions to enhance and diversify lessons. Emphasizing flexibility and adaptability, the proposed LMS caters to various training levels, being able to accommodate the needs of learners across different domains. To identify the appropriate solution, a comparative analysis was conducted, evaluating various platforms based on functionality, intuitive presentation, and customization options. The selected system emerged as the most favorable, offering a robust framework for the development and delivery of educational content. To demonstrate the system's effectiveness, a curriculum was crafted for a specialized field of study - Artificial Intelligence (AI), with a specific focus on the practical application of Machine Learning algorithms. This curriculum incorporates theoretical and practical application components, complemented by a suite of assessment tools and assignments tailored to the proposed subject. The lessons within this curriculum were constructed by drawing insights from various bibliographical sources. What sets this system up-to-date is its integration of generative AI features directly into the LMS, enriching the teaching-learning-evaluating experience.
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