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distance and blended learning
future economists
military intervention

How to Cite

L. Dorogan-Pisarenko, N. Kantsedal, O. Krasota, O. Leha, T. Pryidak, and L. Yaloveha, “SCREEN CAST CREATION VIA BANDICAM TOOLS FOR SUPPORTINGFUTURE ECONOMISTS’ EDUCATION DURING CRISIS EVENTS”, ITLT, vol. 100, no. 2, pp. 53–71, Apr. 2024, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v100i2.5542.


The use of online learning methods and relevant services and tools has gained priority during crisis events on a global (pandemic of COVID-19) and all-Ukrainian (military intervention) scale. The educational sector is forced to adapt and revise approaches and methods for organizing learning in a distance and mixed format. One of the promising technologies for supporting the educational process in the conditions of modern realities is the screencast technology.

The purpose of our research was to analyze the benefits of using screencasts to support the educational process in the context of crisis phenomena (quarantine restrictions, military intervention), develop recommendations for creating educational screencasts using the Bandicam program.

In particular, the latest research and publications on the problem were analyzed. The concept and main features of educational screencasts, the possibilities of their application in the training of future economists were considered.

With the use of special web resources, an analysis of various screen recording applications was carried out (Bandicam, CamStudio, Camtasia, Debut Video Capture Software, FastStone Capture, Fraps, Free Screen Video Recorder, OBS Studio, OCAM Screen Recorder, ScreenFlow, ScreenPal, Super Screen Capture) and selected the most rated. The characteristics of screen recording applications that are the most important at the request of users (according to the results of the analysis of the source database, as well as according to the results of the survey of lecturers) were determined. Pre-selected applications were analyzed, taking into account the defined characteristics. The choice of the Bandicam program as a means of creating educational screencasts was justified.

The experience of organizing distance learning at the Poltava State Agrarian University using screencasting technology was presented. The results of a survey of students on their satisfaction with the use of screencasts (56 people, specialty 071 – Accounting and taxation, “Bachelor” level) were presented.

Technical and psychological-pedagogical recommendations for creating educational screencasts using Bandicam have been developed.

PDF (Ukrainian)


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Lyudmila Dorogan-Pisarenko, Nataliia Kantsedal, Olena Krasota, Olha Leha, Tetiana Pryidak, Liudmyla Yaloveha


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