Digital tools constitute an integral component in the organization of contemporary foreign language environment. The incorporation of Internet technologies into the educational process stimulates the cognitive activity of learners. This article explores potential avenues for cultivating educational-strategic competence in German-language writing through the use of the MOODLE educational platform and Padlet board. The scientific novelty of the research is that overcoming barriers by pre-service teachers in using the educational platform Moodle and the Padlet board ensures the formation of educational-strategic competence in German language writing and intercultural communicative competence. The authors examine the tasks and skills associated with educational-strategic competence, aiming at enhancing the writing skills of pre-service teachers and foster further intercultural foreign language communicative competence.
A theoretical analysis of the relevant literature regarding the integration of innovative techniques into the educational process for pre-service teachers is presented. The didactic possibilities of digital tools during the production of German-language texts are investigated. The article presents metacognitive, cognitive, and communicative learning strategies based on the utilization of digital tools in detail. The authors provide detailed descriptions of language material teaching strategies within the context of intercultural communication.
The intercultural aspect of teaching strategies, which serves as a prominent regulator in the conditions of intercultural communication, is highlighted. The results of applying internet technologies in the educational foreign language process are represented through a survey, indicating their relevance and effectiveness in developing language and communication strategies, both socio-affective and linguistic. Attention is drawn to the potential for modeling foreign language socio-communicative situations through the use of digital tools.
The article emphasizes the importance of digital tools in formative and summative assessment for written skills activities. Pre-service teachers are encouraged to overcome psychological barriers to the effective implementation of innovative techniques, as digitalization is an inseparable component of contemporary society and education.
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