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substantive competence of teachers of informatics
distance education
postgraduate education
pedagogical experiment

How to Cite

O. M. Spirin and K. R. Kolos, “PEDAGOGICAL EXPERIMENT OBJECT FOR TEACHERS INFORMATION COMPETENCY THROUGH DISTANCE EDUCATION”, ITLT, vol. 25, no. 5, Dec. 2011, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v25i5.555.


The article clarifies the basic concepts of competence approach in the field of ICT, highlights the starting position, criteria and indicators of criteria subject competencies of teachers of informatics, describes the main stages and content of pedagogical experiment with the development of subject teachers of informatics competencies, defines the limits of subject competency levels and analyzes the distribution of teachers by level of subject competencies. The obtained results of the experiment indicate the efficiency of the method developed by us using Moodle system in the development of subject teachers of informatics competencies in distance postgraduate education.

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