Modern trends are aimed at the integration of information and communication technologies into the educational process, in particular, thanks to the active use of mobile devices and relevant applications. Teachers can quickly disseminate information among students, provide them with access to various materials, as well as receive feedback from them, etc. The involvement of information and communication technologies forms practical skills and consolidates theoretical knowledge during the training of specialists, and for the specialty 027 “Museum studies, monument studies” at Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, which became the subject of the research. The article confirms the positive experience of using the ActionTrack, because the students created an excursion-tourist product using information and communication technologies and participated in its implementation. This testified that it allows students not only to improve digital competencies, but also to work in small groups (quest designers and excursionists) and build internal communication, improve spatial orientation skills, consolidate theoretical knowledge related to interpretation and actualization cultural heritage. The research analyzed the stages of development and implementation of a quest-excursion in the ActionTrack mobile app: obtaining access to the software; displaying the points of the excursion route on the online map and developing tasks for them in the application; making corrections regarding locations directly near cultural heritage objects; monitoring the performance of tasks and movement of participants during the quest. It was established that through the use of ActionTrack, the excursionists of the quest consolidate knowledge about the cultural environment, improve digital skills, and develop interest in the excursion using information and communication technologies. It has been proven that the use of the ActionTrack mobile application in the educational process is a successful form of work with students, which contributes to the improvement of their professional competencies, in particular, аbility to conduct innovative activities in museum affairs and monument preservation activities.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Myroslava Budchyk, Alina Karpiuk, Tetiana Trofimuk-Kyrylova, Svitlana Chybyrak