Due to the rapid development of information technologies, the use of digital solutions for educational purposes is becoming increasingly relevant and promising. This encourages the evaluation and development of new methods that provide a personalized approach to teaching and learning, including integration of artificial intelligence (AI) tools that can revolutionize education. However, the question of teachers’ qualifications regarding the use of AI tools in their pedagogical activities, especially in social and humanitarian disciplines, remains unexplored. Therefore, the research goal is to investigate the level of competence of teachers of social and humanitarian disciplines when using AI tools in educational activities which involves educating users about the capabilities, limitations and proper use of these tools, understanding how to benefit from AI and how to avoid misuse.
The article reveals the advantages and challenges of applying AI tools, and provides an analysis of some specifics when implementing various AI tools in social and humanitarian disciplines.
During the pedagogical experiment, the authors did not limit themselves to the use of the ChatGPT tool; the teachers had an opportunity to explore the features of a number of AI tools that contribute to lesson planning, and generate visual content, text materials, and tasks for them. The expediency of using various AI tools was experimentally verified. Advantages and significant disadvantages as well as subject nuances were determined in practice. In addition, the authors found out the current level of competence of teachers of social and humanitarian disciplines. At the control stage, the authors analysed and summarized the dynamics of the levels of formation of the indicators of teachers’ competence like awareness of the use of AI tools in educational activities; flexibility and ability to adapt when working with AI tools; assessment of confidence when implementing AI tools in educational activities.
The conclusions emphasize both the need for further study of the issues of using the educational potential of AI tools and the development of teachers’ digital competence, as well as the formation of a conscious understanding of the risks and limitations in this area by students and teachers.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Anna Kyrpa, Olena Stepanenko, Viktoriia Zinchenko, Tetiana Datsiuk, Iryna Karpan, Neonila Tilniak