The article is dedicated to the issue of distance and online learning in higher pharmaceutical education. In the paper, the main principles and characteristic features of the concept of distance learning are outlined, the main advantages and disadvantages of using distance and e-learning in pharmaceutical and medical higher education are discussed. Considerable attention is paid to the use of distance learning technology in the process of math training for students pursuing higher education in the field of pharmacy. In addition to technical means and the structural-methodological component of the distance course development process, special attention is given to psycho-pedagogical aspects, which includes a focus on increasing the motivation of this group of education seekers to master disciplines related to exact sciences.
It is demonstrated, using the example of the developed by the authors distance course “Statistical Methods in Pharmacy”, implemented with the LMS Moodle, that a successful combination of methodological approaches and innovative teaching methods, aimed at implementing a competency-based approach in education, along with modern information technology providing online access to educational content, including tools for feedback support, practical skills development, and automated self-assessment, ensures the effectiveness of achieving educational goals by learners and the formation of professional competencies defined by the educational program. The course was tested, certified, and implemented in the fundamental training of future pharmaceutical professionals at the National University of Pharmacy.
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