The presented material of this study is a justification and experimental verification of the effectiveness of the model of training future tourism specialists for activities in the professional information space. The basis of the developed model of training future specialists is their readiness for activities within the information space of tourism. According to the hypothesis and purpose of the research, the readiness of future specialists to work in the professional infospace is a multidimensional phenomenon and includes a number of individual components, including motivational, cognitive, technological, personal, and complex indicators.
The results of checking the effectiveness of the developed model of formation of readiness are presented through indicators of the level of formation of the components of the readiness of future tourism specialists for activities in the professional information space and a comprehensive indicator. The distribution of students according to the following levels of formation of readiness components at the ascertainment and control stages of the research was determined: creative, reconstructive, reproductive. The probability of differences in the results of students in the control and experimental groups at both stages of the study was assessed using the Fisher angular transformation criterion.
It has been proven that, according to the results of the control section, the indicators of the formation of the components and the comprehensive indicator of the readiness of future specialists of the control and experimental groups at the end of the study have statistically significant differences. This indicates the presence of a close relationship between the implemented measures of the formative experiment (theoretical and practical mastering of the special course, individual content modules and topics from information systems and technologies in tourism) and the improvement of the formation of the components of the readiness of future tourism specialists to work within the professional space of tourism. The average indicators of the formation of readiness components and the corresponding complex indicator were significantly higher among the students of the experimental group. The effectiveness of the hypothesis formulated at the beginning of the research and the effectiveness of the model of training future tourism specialists for activities in the professional information space have been fully confirmed.
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