This study presents a comprehensive approach to monitoring and analyzing students’ performance in the context of software development projects. The primary focus is on the development of novel performance metrics that effectively capture the level of control required from the Team Leader and the quality of work assessed by the QA Engineer. The introduced metrics, namely Relative Control Degree and Relative Quality Assurance Degree, offer a robust framework for evaluating and understanding students’ performance across project, company, and industry levels.
This study presents an innovative application that calculates the defined performance metrics, allowing for real-time monitoring of students’ performance as a Developer. This practical tool offers means to track and evaluate student progress throughout the project lifecycle, enabling timely feedback and intervention as needed.
The authors provide recommendations for interpreting the results and utilizing the proposed performance metrics.
The utilization of the developed performance metrics holds significant implications for project management and student development. By implementing the recommended practices, educational institutions and industry professionals can enhance the effectiveness of software development projects, improve student learning outcomes, and promote a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.
The following methods, models, and approaches were used to solve the task of improving monitoring and analyzing the progress of students in the process of participating in software development projects: System and Problem Approaches, Cluster Analytical and Monitoring Models of Software Development, Expert Survey, Consistency Index, Consistency Ratio, the Fundamental Scale of Absolute Numbers by T. L. Saaty, and others.
The proposed performance metrics, supported by recommendations and a dedicated application, empower project stakeholders to optimize control, quality assurance, and student development.
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