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geoinformation training
higher education in cartography
levels of higher education
educational programs
forms of organization of the educational process
information and communication competencies

How to Cite

E. Bondarenko and T. Dudun, “MODEL OF GEOINFORMATION TRAINING OF SPECIALISTS IN CARTOGRAPHY AT TARAS SHEVCHENKO NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF KYIV”, ITLT, vol. 101, no. 3, pp. 108–126, Jun. 2024, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v101i3.5627.


A wide range of tasks of varying complexity based on the use of spatial data can be effectively performed by professionals with basic or full higher education who have relevant geoinformation training. Cartographers are fully included in the list of professionals, whose geoinformation component significantly affects the level of competencies formed during the educational process at higher education institutions and potential demand from employers.

The model of geoinformation training for cartographers has been tested within accredited educational programs of the first (bachelor’s) and second (master’s) levels of higher education, which operate at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and are unique in Ukraine.

The invariant components of the model define the goals and content of geoinformation training, means and methods of their achievement, forms of organization of the educational process in the context of acquiring information and communication competencies, the subject-object composition, characteristics of the educational environment, and student learning outcomes.

The proportion of mandatory and elective educational components directly providing geoinformation training at the first level is 24% of the total program volume for “Cartography, Geographic Information Systems, Earth Remote Sensing” and 34.5% at the second level for “Cartography and Geographic Information Systems” programs.

The logical sequence of placing the educational components of these educational programs in the developed curricula by the authors contributes to the consecutive formation and development of knowledge of the theory, methodology, and practice of applying geoinformation systems.

The optimal forms of educational activities in geoinformation training disciplines have been identified, with lectures and practical classes having a predominant ratio of hours in the structure as 1:1.

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