The article analyzes the results of the All-Ukrainian survey of teachers "Digital Transformation of General Secondary Education Institutions of Ukraine", one of the aspects of which is to determine the attitude of teachers to the use of the "All-Ukrainian School Online" platform. The survey aimed at assessing the level of satisfaction, use and application in professional activities of educational materials on the All-Ukrainian School Online platform covered teachers of general secondary education institutions in different regions of Ukraine. The results of the study showed that the majority of teachers (65.8%) use materials from the Higher School of Education in their educational practice, which demonstrates a high level of interest and readiness of teachers to implement digital resources. Among those who do not yet use the possibilities of All-Ukrainian School Online, the majority (70%) expressed a desire to join this platform, which indicates the potential for further expansion of the user audience. The results of the study also showed that, although the majority of teachers use materials from the Higher Secondary School, some of them noted the need for certain improvements and expansion of the content, which can contribute to increasing the efficiency and quality of the educational process. It is noted that the All-Ukrainian School Online platform is a key tool for the implementation of distance and mixed learning for students in grades 5-11, which becomes especially relevant in the conditions of a pandemic, military operations and digital transformation. In addition, the prospects for the introduction of the latest technologies, such as virtual and augmented reality, which can improve the learning process, are highlighted. The general indicators indicate a significant interest in the use of online resources in modern realities. In the work, the attitude of teachers to the use of the All-Ukrainian School Online platform and the main challenges and prospects for the further development of the platform and the introduction of materials into the educational process are described. The results of the study suggest specific areas for improvement, as well as reflect the real needs of teachers and students in the modern educational environment. The research analysis points to the importance of the development and use of digital technologies in the educational process, as well as the need for constant updating and improvement of educational platforms to ensure quality education in the face of modern challenges.
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