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educational environment
learning tools
educational equipment

How to Cite

O. M. Naumenko, “FEATURES OF ORGANIZATION OF PEDAGOGICAL RESEARCHES IN COLLEGES”, ITLT, vol. 26, no. 6, Jan. 2012, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v26i6.570.


One of possible variants of organization of pedagogical researches is considered in higher educational establishments of І–ІІ levels of accreditation by the pilot investigation of separate constituents of educational environment. An investigation was conducted by the expert estimation of learning tools that most often used in an educational process while  studying the sciefically-natural cycle subjects, mathematics, informatics and other special disciplines. At examination of learning tools it was estimated the level of their efficiency as well as their influence on quality of studies forming the bases of professional competence. The generalized estimations of teachers of college are given as tables and diagrams for possibility of comparative analysis.

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