Recently, Ukrainians, especially those who have suddenly found themselves abroad, have faced the need to learn different languages. Each language is associated with the culture of a country, so by learning it, a person not only gets a communication tool, but also immerses himself in the life and customs of the country. Knowledge of foreign languages opens up opportunities for both study and work outside of Ukraine. The growing popularity of mobile devices and the availability of high-speed Internet make mobile language learning apps increasingly popular and effective tools. The purpose of this work is to investigate the possibility of using machine learning algorithms to create a mobile application for learning a foreign language. The ML Kit SDK was used to create a mobile application with a wide range of functions. In the context of learning a foreign language, ML Kit SDK is used to recognize and process speech, translate text, and identify the most important words or phrases in a text, parts of speech, nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc. The mobile application allows you to create unique and personalized settings for each user based on their personal data and preferences. The application offers users a wide range of features in the form of interactive exercises, personalization, progress tracking, and offline support. The software product helps users memorize new vocabulary faster and easier when learning a foreign language. The app is available on mobile devices, making it convenient to use anywhere and anytime. The target audience is people learning a foreign language, students, professionals who need foreign language vocabulary for work, etc. The mobile application can also be useful for foreign language teachers looking for innovative and effective methods of teaching their students.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Vitalii Levkivskyi, Dmytro Marchuk, Svetlana Kravchenko, Oleksii Pavlenko