The educational process has become more accustomed to active classroom engagement. Physics teaching should focus more on young pupils’ investigative journey. This research investigates the effect of the ICT-based 5Es instructional model on the conceptual understanding and science process skills of grade 6 pupils on light reflection. The 5E Model stands for Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate. The study used a mixed-method design involving 24 students participating in a 5E-based intervention. The pre- and post-test results showed a significant improvement in conceptual knowledge and science process skills. Statistical analysis using paired t-tests and Cohen's d found that the 5E Model has significantly improved students' conceptual understanding of the topic and their science process skills. The study also used a phenomenological analysis and identified three critical themes that contributed to the success of the intervention. These themes were high interest and excitement in using laboratory materials, collaboration among students in exploring light reflection, and teacher scaffolding and facilitation to help students overcome challenges. The 5Es Model, which involves engaging, examining, explaining, elaborating, and evaluating stages, was highly influential in keeping students interested and enthusiastic throughout the learning process. The study confirms that the 5Es instructional model positively impacts students’ science process skills and conceptual understanding. Using both quantitative and qualitative analyses provides a thorough understanding of the intervention’s effectiveness and offers recommendations for improving the implementation of the 5Es Model in science education. This study recommended providing professional development opportunities for teachers to enhance their skills in implementing the 5Es instructional model. Regular workshops, collaborative sessions, and opportunities for knowledge exchange can equip teachers with up-to-date teaching strategies and insights.
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