The full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the russian became a bifurcation point for universities located in temporarily occupied territories or war zones, necessitating the search for survival tools in extreme conditions. The crisis management strategy at Kherson State University involved seeking a balance of resources (material, financial, human, communicational, managerial, and innovative) to ensure the proper quality of education. The transformation of business processes accelerated digitalization, and the pursuit of balance in the face of limited resources enabled the implementation of effective anti-crisis measures and the transformation of academic policy aimed at maintaining the quality of the educational process through distance learning technologies, both synchronous and asynchronous interaction formats. This includes a selective component of up to 35% of educational programmes, implementing certificate programmes, and utilizing modern educational resources from global platforms such as Udemy, Coursera, etc. Ensuring sustainable social, professional, and educational communication between dispersed participants in the educational process has become essential to crisis management. The article aims to summarise and systematize the crisis management experience at a displaced university and to model its vital business processes in the context of digital transformation and limited resources, using Kherson State University as an example.
The article identifies the factors from the external and internal environment that affect university functioning and the quality of education under extreme operating conditions. It presents the critical contexts of enhanced digital transformation of the academic process and compensation tools for crisis education management. It demonstrates examples of resource balance searches based on an analysis of indicators and parameters of the organizational structure of the educational process. The experience of crisis management and business process forecasting can be helpful for all educational institutions operating under crisis conditions. A promising area of research is developing a programme of anti-crisis measures based on digital transformation and crisis support models for university research and investment activities.
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