The research is devoted to the study of the utmost issue of enhancing the digitalisation of modern education through video-based learning. On the basis of scientific and methodic literature review, legislation and statistics analysis, and observation of best practices the essential findings of the study have been done. The article deals with video as a learning tool. The etymology of the notion “video” is considered. The study reveals the evolution of video as an audiovisual aid in chronological order. The Ukrainian state policy aimed at video-based learning integration, support, and development is scrutinized. A review of a wide range of vivid educational resources (e.g., the English language curriculum, coursebook “Speakout”, the activity of All-Ukrainian Online School, scientific and pedagogical project “Intellect”, Center for Distance Learning Technologies of Kyiv Borys Hrinchenko University, online platforms Prometheus, EdEra, Diia.Education, application Leya AI) has been done to illustrate the role of video as a pivotal learning tool in the present day. To state the frequency, benefits, and challenges of video use, a questionnaire was designed. A survey was conducted among 67 people, including teenagers, youth, and adults. The findings have showcased the transformation of learning with the aid of video nowadays. The evolution of video has been traced by the development of techniques of its use from 1895 to 2024 including demonstration (e.g. motion pictures, silent movies), explanation (e.g. feature-length movies with sound and colour), engagement (e.g. television, live broadcast real-world scenarios), interaction (e.g. online videos), personalisation (e.g. AI tutors, streaming videos). The didactic value of video-based learning for personal, academic and professional knowledge, skills, and competencies enhancement has been presented in the article. The weaknesses and strengths of using videos for learning have been outlined by the author.
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