A lesson plan is an action plan that shows how to achieve the objectives of a lesson step by step in a certain period of time in the teaching of a subject. Lesson planning is one of the important elements of teacher education. However, research shows that pre-service teachers have problems in lesson planning. Artificial intelligence can produce solutions to the problems experienced by pre-service teachers. For this purpose, pre-service teachers need to be able to use this tool effectively, recognize its possibilities and limitations, and approach it with a critical perspective. The purpose of this research is to determine what support Microsoft Copilot offers to pre-service teachers in preparing lesson plans for reading education in Turkish lessons and how they evaluate this support. The method of the research is case study. The study group consists of 24 students. The data were collected through reflective diaries, lesson plans, and interviews. Descriptive and content analysis were applied to the data. As a result of the research, it was determined that teacher candidates sought support for every stage of the course. Both positive and negative opinions emerged in the same codes regarding the support offered by Copilot. Accessing the source sites, activity ideas, overall plan, and images are the codes where positive opinions are concentrated, while text creation, subject area knowledge, and question/rubric preparation are the codes where negative opinions are concentrated. Participants stated that attention should be paid to the accuracy and adequacy of the content and the accuracy of the questions and to give sufficient detail when requesting information. These results show that Copilot should be improved in terms of Turkish. However, the results also suggest that AI tools should be included in teacher education despite their limitations. Pre-service teachers evaluate the outcomes of the program with their prior knowledge. This approach is important for the development of pedagogical content knowledge and better lesson planning.
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