The use of digital tools at all stages of scientific research is a requirement today. Therefore, a modern researcher must be able to use many digital tools and services. This study is devoted to substantiating and designing a model for developing the digital competence of researchers and academic staff in educational sciences. The article analyses publications from scientific databases to clarify the research areas. The authors have studied the framework documents of the European Union and existing models related to developing the digital capabilities of teachers and researchers. The authors’ model of developing digital competence was designed on this basis. It includes digital learning, digital research, digital methodology, digital organisational and educational, and cross-disciplinary competencies. The typical research and teaching staff activities were analysed and considered in defining them. The types of digital tools necessary for the employee’s professional activity have been identified for each of these competences. These include general-purpose software, specialised digital applications and services (scientific abstract and citation databases, institutional repositories, reference managers), cloud services, workflow management packages, and social and academic networks. The article separately highlights artificial intelligence as a technology in demand for all types of activities of a modern scientist. It is substantiated that the defined list of competences mainly corresponds to the areas of digital competence described in the draft conceptual and reference framework for digital competence of the pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical staff of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine. The developed model of developing digital competence contains several blocks such as target, content, technological, diagnostic and analytical. The model envisages the use of face-to-face and distance learning methods, modern learning management systems, and the constant readiness of the target audience for self-learning and self-improvement.
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