
artificial intelligence
educational process
statistical analysis
length of teaching experience
year of study

How to Cite

S. . Dovgyi, S. . Babiichuk, L. Davybida, and M. . Biletska, “TEACHERS’ AND STUDENTS’ ATTITUDES TOWARDS THE USE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: ALL-UKRAINIAN RESEARCH”, ITLT, vol. 104, no. 6, pp. 197–215, Dec. 2024, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v104i6.5890.


The steady rise of artificial intelligence (AI) across multiple domains, particularly education, marks a transformative period for the field. Understanding the essential role of teachers and students as active participants in this transformation, as well as the factors influencing their perceptions and attitudes toward AI, is critical. In Ukraine, the emergence and rapid spread of accessible AI tools occurred during a time of full-scale military conflict, bringing about drastic disruptions to traditional educational processes. This study provides insights into these impacts by analyzing the results of a nationwide survey conducted in 2023 on AI's role in education, gathering perspectives from two main groups: educators (N = 1734) and students in grades 8–11 (N = 1448). The data reveal distinct differences in teachers' and students' attitudes towards integrating AI into education. While many teachers recognize AI's potential to aid in tasks like test creation, creative task development, and student progress tracking, they also express concerns about ethical implications and the risk of academic dishonesty. In contrast, a substantial portion of students’ view AI as a valuable tool for enhancing learning and promoting self-directed education. Additionally, the study identifies an inverse relationship between the duration of a teacher's professional experience and their frequency of AI use, suggesting that younger educators may be more inclined to adopt these technologies. Among students, however, a positive correlation exists between their year of study and the frequency of AI tool utilization, indicating a gradual increase in AI engagement with advancing grade levels. Based on the results, it can be concluded that AI is currently an additional option for educational activities that will become a necessity in the near future. Therefore, retraining and upskilling teachers and providing them with appropriate quality tools is an essential and urgent task.



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Stanislav Dovgyi, Svitlana Babiichuk, Lidiia Davybida, Mariia Biletska


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