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information and communication technologies
computer science
the system of inequalities
Microsoft Mathematics 4.0

How to Cite

D. A. Pokryshen and E. Y. Nosenko, “ICT FOR DECISION OF INEQUALITIES”, ITLT, vol. 27, no. 1, Mar. 2012, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v27i1.613.


About the effect of ICT on the development of teaching creative thinking, the usage of the heuristic method in the study of mathematics and computer science by pupils and students. The study of various software tools in lessons of informatics allows to combine simultaneously the learning or revise of material on other disciplines (mathematics, physics, etc.). Several software products from different vendors with different methodological orientation are examined with a brief description. Examples of the usage of mathematical problems in the study of informatics using the software GRAN 1, Wolfram|Alpha, Microsoft Mathematics 4.0 are presented.

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