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professional competence
information abilities
communication skills
teaching and educational process

How to Cite

L. A. Kyyenko-Romaniuk and L. M. Zayachkovska, “INFORMATION ABILITIES AND COMMUNICATION SKILLS AS COMPOUND OF SCIENTIFICALLY-METHODICAL TEACHERS COMPETENCES”, ITLT, vol. 28, no. 2, May 2012, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v28i2.653.


Introduction of information and communication technologies is one of the priority task of education of Ukraine. Information abilities and communication skills are considered as qualitatively new possibilities of distribution and accumulation of knowledge. The actual problem is their skillful use by teachers in teaching and educational process at scientific and methodical levels as well as for improvement of pedagogical workers professional skills and also for pedagogical self-education. For effective use of information and communication technologies in professional work, teachers information abilities and communication skills should be formed at the scientifically-methodical level and organically combined with understanding of didactic functions according to stages, forms and purposes of lesson.
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