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electronic libraries (e-libraries)
education for people with disabilities

How to Cite

A. V. Svietlorusova, “THE ROLE OF ELECTRONIC LIBRARIES IN GETTING HIGHER EDUCATION FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES”, ITLT, vol. 15, no. 1, Aug. 2010, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v15i1.67.


The article investigates the role of electronic libraries (e-libraries) in education for people with disabilities. There is determined the problems of highlighted part of society and recommendations concerning use of e-libraries are submitted. Libraries' electronic resources are examined. It was emphasized that big and accessible national e-libraries creation will contribute to effective information usage and that would effect positively on level of science, technique and culture development as well as allow improving education system.. E-libraries give an opportunity to work with a present-day electronic education resources in a free access order. Much more people will be assisted in getting a higher education. It was defined that e-libraries in particular are the important resource for getting teaching and rare literature which is necessary for acquiring of any profession and also for getting higher education for people with disabilities.
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