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higher school
сompetenсe approach
project skills
textbook projecting

How to Cite

N. Y. Titarenko, “MAGISTRAND PROJECT SKILLS AS CONSTITUENT OF COMPETENCE APPROACH”, ITLT, vol. 15, no. 1, Aug. 2010, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v15i1.71.


The role and place of project skills in the realization of competence approach are analyzed. On the basis of analysis of different approaches to the interpretation of terms “pedagogical project”, “project skills” their content is generalized. According to the combination of received results and obtaining modern theory and practice of textbook creating the model of students’ skills forming to project a textbook is lighted up. The table of contents of model presents four basic components: purpose, block of knowledge, block of projective abilities, result. Four types of projective skills are emphasized: organizational skills, informative skills, skills to design, diagnostic skills. Directions of the use of the worked out model are developed for diagnosis the modern state of formed projective skills and improvement of corresponding methods of studies.
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