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training mode
computer modeling
molecular docking
the program AutoDock Vina

How to Cite

L. V. Reznichenko, “AUTODOCK VINA AS A TRAINING MODE OF THE FUTURE TEACHERS OF NATURAL SCIENCES”, ITLT, vol. 38, no. 6, pp. 149–161, Dec. 2013, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v38i6.928.


The article deals with the problems of implementation of the computer technology in training of future teachers of chemistry. The author proves the importance of the computer simulation method for the research of chemical processes and phenomena and considers the peculiarities of the molecular docking process. AutoDock Vina is viewed as the way to activate the cognitive activity of the students and to encourage their research. Theoretical concepts and practical recommendations on the formation of the students' skills while working with the software AutoDock Vina, designed for molecular docking, are defined.
PDF (Ukrainian)


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