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method of circles
constructive plane geometry
conjugation analysis
proactive approach
educational software

How to Cite

I. H. Lenchuk and A. T. Franovskyi, “CLASSIFICATION AND COMPUTER SIMULATION OF CONSTRUCTIVE PROBLEM IN THE PLANE GEOMETRY: METHOD OF CIRCLES”, ITLT, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 125–140, Feb. 2014, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v39i1.974.


Presented article concerns construction problems in plane geometry. Solved the problem of the formation of students' stereotypes efficient, economical in time visual representation of algorithms for solving problems on the modern computer screens. Used universal author’s method of fragmented typing tasks on the method of circles. Allocated rod-type problem with its subsequent filling with ingredients. Previously developed educational software (partially, GeoGebra) ensure optimal realization of the construction. Their dynamic characteristics and constructive capabilities - quality visual- shaped stages of "evidence" and "research".
PDF (Ukrainian)


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