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generation Z
students Z
interactive teaching methods
Google services

How to Cite

I. I. Podik, “THE IMPLEMENTATION OF GOOGLE SERVICES FOR TEACHING GENERATION Z STUDENTS”, ITLT, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 264–274, Sep. 2017, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v60i4.1770.


The article describes the features of modern students from the point of view of the Generations' Theory. It is established that the dependence of students Z on digital devices and the global Internet network affects the organization of the educational process and necessitates the introduction of electronic educational resources. The possibilities of using the G Suite for Education (Gmail, Google Drive, Google Forms, Google Documents, Google Spreadsheets, etc.) in the learning process are analyzed, and the experience of their implementation in the study of the Bookkeeping has been described. It is argued that the use of information products by Google participants in the learning process provides an opportunity to raise the level of cognitive activity of future accountants, as well as a powerful motivational tool for person-oriented learning and self-improvement of students.
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