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institution of higher education
economic specialty
information and communication technologies

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The article is devoted to the analysis of the peculiarities of forming the competences of future economists in the process of obtaining educational services in higher educational institutions. The views of domestic and foreign scholars on the essential characteristics of the «competence», which are necessary for the qualitative fulfillment of official duties by future economists, are presented. The requirements of the labor market for future specialists in economics and accounting are analyzed, in particular, regarding to the effective possession of information and communication competencies. The results of the admission campaign of 2017-2018 academic year in the specialties 076 «Entrepreneurship, trade and stock-taking», 051 «Economics» and 071 «Accounting and taxation» of the bachelor and master's levels are demonstrated. The content of educational programs for preparing the economic direction specialists, competitive in the labor market, is considered. The ways of improving the quality of educational services for the preparation of future economists in order to ensure the possibility of their further employment in the specialty are proposed.
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