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teacher-student interaction
Smart Board
virtual working space
Smart Learning Suite

How to Cite

V. I. Imber, “EDUCATIONAL COOPERATIVE LEARNING BETWEEN THE TEACHER AND THE STUDENTS USING SMART BOARD TOOLS”, ITLT, vol. 64, no. 2, pp. 119–127, Apr. 2018, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v64i2.1950.


The article deals with the stages in the organization of teacher -student educational interaction by means of Smart Board. The possibilities of the updated SMART Learning Suite software have been described, including the Smart Lab interactive application for game technology learning, the new Smart Response 2 used as a student’s assessment tool for the organization of students’ cooperation within the single virtual Smart Amp workspace, student’s personal devices usage, online assignments accomplishment through Smart Learning Suite Online. It has been determined that the new forms of teacher-student educational interaction can be successfully implemented in the modern educational system. This will provide an opportunity for teachers to create interactive lessons, to find free time for assessing students’ achievements, master new forms of online classroom training, and provide the students’ training at their own pace. The set of interactive exercises and how to organize student’s learning process with the use of SmartLab tools have been introduced.
PDF (Ukrainian)


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Creating lesson activities and using SMART Lab by using Response 2[Online]. Available: English).

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