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higher school didactics
academic lecture
synergetic effect
multimedia tools
multitasking; rhetoric
art of presentation

How to Cite

H. D. . Klochek and O. F. . Baraniuk, “WORD AND SLIDE IN A LECTURE: THE PROBLEM OF SYNERGETIC EFFECT”, ITLT, vol. 72, no. 4, pp. 26–40, Sep. 2019, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v72i4.2480.


The paper deals with the problem of synergetic effect, which is generated due to the successful interaction between rhetorical skills of a lecturer and appropriate applied multimedia tools in the academic lecture. Considering that multimedia tools for teaching are becoming more common, the problem of such interaction between word and slide, which would contribute to the education effectiveness of the lecture, takes on not only particular relevance, but turns into the fundamental problem of higher school didactics. A traditional lecture is no longer the main source and the method for knowledge translation in the context of the modern information society. The capacity and importance of the individual work of students, who are able to use powerful information flows, are growing. A lecture as a form of teaching acquires a different functionality and requires new methods for presentation teaching materials. The lecturer should carefully select the topics for lectures, focusing on the most essential aspects of the course, finding adequate and effective ways for material presentation. A modern lecture can develop necessary competencies both by means of word and by visual means (slide), and there is a kind of rivalry between them for the audience attention. Thus the problem of multitasking arises, that is the audience attention suffers dispersion and deconcentration. The question of the organic integrity between word and slide in the lecture for the achievement of synergetic effect comes to the fore. The paper deals with the methodical principles, compliance with which provides mutually agreed interaction between a lecturer’s word and a visual component of the lecture. The basic methodological principles are the definition of the essential for the academic discipline substantive topics and problems, which are given in the lecture, the observance of the principle of economy in education (Ortega y Gasset), the substance and aesthetic quality of slides, the use of the storytelling tools, the avoidance of multitasking as the main widespread threat, which reduces the educational effectiveness of the lecture.

PDF (Ukrainian)


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