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distance education
distance learning
information and psychological security
subject of education

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In article analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the main types of distance learning, designated as traditional, combined and electronic type. On the empirical basis, the levels of development of cognitive, emotional and cognitive aspects of information and psychological security of the students’ personality, who study these types of distance learning, are established. Taking into account the prospects of e-learning development, technological approaches to improve its practice are proposed, based on the idea of rehabilitation of the key role of the teacher and the inclusion in the educational process of types of educational activities characteristic of full-time education. The author’s technology is based on a group of methodological, organizational and methodological conditions. Methodological conditions of the proposed technology are revealed through the designation of the three most common principles of distance learning – irreversibility, humanism and adaptability. Organizational conditions are presented by the principles of expediency, coordination and the leading role of the teacher, which determine the most important aspects of the construction of the electronic type of distance education. Methodical conditions are revealed by the principles characterizing the guidelines of functioning of students, teachers and electronic educational environment. In order to achieve the effectiveness of training and information and psychological security of students, their distance learning is focused on the implementation of the principles of consistency, regularity and interest; remote work of the teacher is focused on the principles of pedagogical orientation, correctness and reflexivity; functioning of the electronic educational environment is focused on the principles of internal conflict – free, scientific and methodological coherence, as well as user orientation. Testing of the technology has confirmed its effectiveness. The proposed technology is considered as a step in the further improvement of the practice of distance learning of university students.

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