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cybersocialization; motivation
innovative information and communication technologies
modular training environment

How to Cite

L. A. Onufriieva, N. M. Didyk, and O. A. Chekanska, “PSYCHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF USING INTERNET BY STUDENTS”, ITLT, vol. 74, no. 6, pp. 250–265, Dec. 2019, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v74i6.2568.


The psychological characteristics of using Internet by modern youth are analyzed in the article. The Internet is shown to be the secondary institution of socialization, especially for present-day youth as the most mobile social group, being internally ready for the perception of new values and standards. The specificity of students’ Internet-socialization is theoretically described. The use of Internet resources, the existence of accounts is noted to be considered as a process of cybersocialization, that is the socialization of personality in cyberspace, the process of changing the structure of a personality’s self-consciousness, occurring under the influence of using modern information technologies in the context of life. The peculiarities of youth’s motivation to use Internet, their self-esteem and value orientations have been experimentally studied. The main students’ motives to use Internet are established to be cognitive (educational), entertaining and communicative ones. The high level of demands and self-esteem proves that the use of the Internet is carried out with the aim to improve the educational success, fulfill student tasks and be the way of passive recreation. Value orientations of most respondents are aimed at self-development, career and entertainment. A strongly expressed Internet addiction is absent. The information and communicative technologies are found out to be represented by the combination of methods of production processes, software and hardware integrated with the purpose of collecting, processing, storing, distributing, displaying and using information for the benefit of its users. The effective principles in optimizing the educational process at the institution of higher education are determined to be: interactive, electronic and mobile training; conducting Internet conferences; communication via Skype, chat, forum; electronic journals; online testing; electronic textbooks; electronic catalogue, access to science databases; Web quests; creation of telecommunication educational projects, social advertisements, presentations, informational booklets.

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