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innovative education
innovative teaching method
innovative quality of personality
institution of higher education
information and communication technologies

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R. V. Mann, O. V. Kravchenko, and I. V. Hanzhala, “THE USE OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES AS AN ELEMENT OF INNOVATIVE TRAINING OF SPECIALISTS IN THE ECONOMIC FIELD”, ITLT, vol. 78, no. 4, pp. 145–162, Sep. 2020, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v78i4.2810.


The article is devoted to the analysis of supply and demand trends for economics professions at the domestic labour market. The results of the admission campaign for economic specialties during 2012-2018, trends in higher education, and existing requirements of employers are demonstrated. The article presents the imbalance between the number of entrants and those who received a diploma, which indicates a low motivation to study, in particular, due to the lack of employment prospects in the specialty. The authors also emphasise the necessity of transforming the modern system of higher education according to the needs of the market by actively implementing elements of innovative education, such as information and communication technologies. The forecast values of demand on the labour market due to economic development in Ukraine until 2025 are demonstrated. The scholars' views on the essential characteristics of «innovative education» are shown and our own definition of this category with an emphasis on the ability to train diversely competent specialists capable of self-development in accordance with environmental changes is proposed. The research identifies personality innovative qualities necessary for future economists for the qualitative performance of job responsibilities, such as setting and achieving new goals, adaptability to changes in risky conditions, ability to self-improvement, and solving non-standard situations. The authors also consider the foreign experience of using innovative teaching methods and the latest information and communicative technologies (in particular, computer programmes, mobile applications, remote online platforms, interactive methods of presenting information) for improving the quality of the educational process. The paper demonstrates available mobile applications for the use in the educational process, which can improve the quality and efficiency of economic knowledge acquisition. The ways for improving the quality of educational services in prospective economists training by using innovative teaching methods to ensure their employment in the future are proposed.

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