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electronic textbook
higher education pedagogy

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O. S. Boukrieieva, “ELECTRONIC TEXTBOOKS APPLICATION FOR TEACHING STANDARDIZATION AND CERTIFICATION”, ITLT, vol. 79, no. 5, pp. 154–167, Oct. 2020, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v79i5.3011.


The current state of pedagogy in terms of the development of information and communication technologies requires the creation of new computer learning tools, one of which is an electronic textbook. It is revealed that there are several approaches to understanding the essence of electronic textbooks, namely as a traditional textbook with a set of multimedia educational resource and as a complex of technical means, close to individual learning systems. Based on the analysis of publications and regulatory documents, the basic features of electronic textbooks are highlighted. They are the content of multimedia educational resource of various types and interactive interaction with students. It is established that an electronic textbook, as opposed to a textbook, has a variability of didactic functions, depending on the content and form of information presentation in it, the goals set by the teacher and the specifics of the academic discipline. A method and criteria for selecting a software platform for developing electronic textbooks in the form of a Y-matrix of quality for determining the interrelation of elements of three lists, each of which is compared with two others (the type of multimedia educational resource with software capabilities, and each of them with didactic functions), are proposed. To determine the rational degree of multimedia electronic textbooks, the availability and form of automated feedback, the appropriateness of their use in studying disciplines in the field of standardization and certification in higher education, an electronic manual was developed in two forms: an interactive pdf-file and an educational application. A forming, one-factor, closed, the linear pedagogical experiment was conducted. It was revealed that due to the use of electronic benefits, the amount of time to prepare for classes decreased by 12%, interest in the discipline increased by 19 %, the success of the training increased by 10%, and the quality – by 15 %. At the same time, the statistical significance of the differences in the results of the control characteristics of the group when choosing one or another type of the electronic manual was not found. However, the experiment demonstrated equal effectiveness of both the pdf-file and the more automated and multimedia textbook. In addition, more than half of the students expressed a need for a concise presentation of information and do not need a large number of diverse multimedia tools. In general, 90% of students consider an electronic textbook as a more attractive learning tool compared to text. This fact and the results of the experiment allow us to establish the urgent need for the use of electronic manuals in the educational process in higher education in teaching disciplines in the field of standardization and certification.

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