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Adams and Runge-Kutt methods
approached decision of the differential equation
Mathcad environment.

How to Cite

O. B. Krasnozhon, “APPROACHED DECISION OF THE DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS”, ITLT, vol. 19, no. 5, Feb. 2011, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v19i5.360.


The urgency of the material stated in the article is caused by necessity of development, updating and improvements of methodical operating time on subject matters of issue "Calculus mathematics" which teaching is carried out in conditions of use of information-communication technologies. In the article the program realizations in Mathcad environment of Adams and Runge-Kutt methods of the approached decision of the differential equations are offered; examples on application of the specified methods are brought; the expediency of application of Mathcad environment during mathematical preparation of experts is proved. Perspective directions of the further scientific researches are methodical, mathematical and algorithmic aspects of creation of effective program realizations of numerical methods in Mathcad environment.

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