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electronic tutorial
demonstrative computer models

How to Cite

V. F. Zabolotnyi and M. I. Shut, “ELECTRONIC MEAN OF EDUCATIONAL SETTING OF «PHYSICS-7»”, ITLT, vol. 24, no. 4, Oct. 2011, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v24i4.522.


The article presents the multimedia teaching assignment to accompany Physics 7th grade classes. Presented the software open up in accordance with the curriculum in physics for secondary schools. It includes static and dynamic demonstration computer models, video clips of scientific films, video recordings of classroom experiments. Teachers can use the series presentation of their choice during the explanation of new material and its recurrence. Students who acquire the training facility will be able to use it during independent work and preparation of lessons in physics. Using this tool in the formation of physical concepts, promotes interest in the study of natural sciences.

PDF (Ukrainian)


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