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multimedia presentation
the requirements for presentations designing
lecture in higher education
means of the learning process intensifying

How to Cite

T. M. Kozak, “INTENSIFICATION OF LECTURE AT HIGHER SCHOOL BY MEANS OF MULTIMEDIA PRESENTATIONS”, ITLT, vol. 28, no. 2, May 2012, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v28i2.651.


Relevance of the article is caused by necessity to improve the lecture in higher school. One of the ways of intensification of the cognitive activity of students at the lecture is the use of multimedia. The article analyzes the features of construction of multimedia presentations, determines organizational and pedagogical, educational and methodical, psychological and ergonomic requirements for their design. The necessity of adherence to principles of illustrative and graphic materials is noticed. Visualization of educational material, involvement of several channels of perception, the possibility of building branched presentations will increase the information content of multimedia lectures, the intensification of the educational process and improve the quality of training.
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