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professional skills
the education in the IT-sphere

How to Cite

I. I. Sugoniak, A. M. Kovalchuk, and A. O. Danylchenko, “PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION AS MEANS OF THE INCREASE OF THE LEVEL OF STUDENTS’ PRACTICAL PREPARATION OF IT-SPECIALITIES”, ITLT, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 109–122, Jul. 2016, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v53i3.1424.


In the article the actual questions of the increase of the level of the professional skills of IT-specialists during their learning in the highest educational institution are considered. The basic attention is focused on the problem of the separation of the educational process and the requirements of the labour-market. The use of the programs of professional certification in an educational process is proposed for deciding the problems. The necessity of the integration of work programs of disciplines on the themes of certification examinations, including the materials in the students’ independent work and in the laboratory practical work has been proved. According to the author the 100% substitution of the materials by strictly specialized ones will not be useful for the students, as well as the process of the passing of certification examinations before the final courses. Also the authors have offered to use the certification of specialists as more effective variant of refresher training of teachers than the formal traineeship in the other highest educational institutions
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