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professional orientation
technology teacher
modern information technologies
educational programs
technical competence

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The article focuses on the professional orientation in studies of modern information technologies by future technology teachers. The main positions of formatting the content of the program of this discipline are outlined, as well as demonstrated the ways of possible use of information resources for studying technical and technological disciplines. As an example of a professional direction, the problem of developing teaching programs on technical and technological disciplines, which realize the ability to control knowledge of students, the implementation of complicated technical calculations, assessment of student knowledge for reporting, as well as the implementation of virtual laboratory work in the format of simulation is presented. In the process of developing educational programs, psychological requirements to them have been taken into account, the essence of which is the formation of a holistic image of the solvable problem, step-by-step solving the programmed problem situations, strengthening semantic, logical and spatial activity, which makes it possible to shift the emphasis in the learning process from finding the necessary information to conducting own research. The monitoring of the effectiveness of the introduction of the professionally directed content of the course "Modern Information Technologies" into the educational process has been carried out according to the following criteria: cognitive, motivational, activity, value-reflexive. The positive dynamics of qualitative indicators (with high and sufficient level) of the formation of technical competence of technology teachers in experimental groups were traced. For grounded students’ acquaintance with modern information technologies, it is proposed to include an autonomous course "Computer Design and Modeling" in the cycle of selective academic disciplines for professional training of technology teachers, which has summarizing and generalizing functions in the context of modern information technologies.
PDF (Ukrainian)


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