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future teacher
digital competence
professional readiness
pedagogical experiment
ascertaining stage

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O. H. Romanovskyi, V. M. Grineva, O. A. Zhernovnykova, L. A. Shtefan, and V. V. Fazan, “FORMATION OF FUTURE MATHEMATICS TEACHERS’ DIGITAL COMPETENCE: ASCERTAIN STAGE”, ITLT, vol. 65, no. 3, pp. 184–200, Jul. 2018, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v65i3.2412.


The article is devoted to determination of the levels of the digital competence of future mathematics teachers at the ascertaining stage of the pedagogical experiment. A scientific analysis of the essence of the notion «digital competence» is carried out, its components are defined. In the process of research the components of the formation of the digital competence of future mathematics teachers were defined, namely: value-motivational (motives, goals, needs for professional training by means of digital technologies, improvement, self-education, self-development, stimulate a future teacher of mathematics to use digital technologies in learning); content (free use of the skills of processing information and working with digital objects, which respectively influence the formation of the digital competence of future mathematics teachers); activity (active use of digital technologies and computers in educational activities as a means of knowledge and formation of digital competence, self-improvement and creativity of future teachers of mathematics, as well as cultivation of similar qualities in students in the process of pedagogical practice); reflexive (attitude of future teachers of mathematics to digital society, their digital training, responsibility for the results of their activities in the digital educational space, self-knowledge and self-realization in future professional activities through digital technologies). The article specifies the criteria, indicators and levels of digital competence of future mathematics teachers. To test certain criteria for the formation of digital competence of future mathematics teachers, research methods are characterized. The results of the ascertaining stage of the pedagogical experiment gave grounds to state primarily medium and low levels of the digital competence of future mathematics teachers. As the next direction of scientific research on the presented problem, the authors consider theoretical justification of the technology for the formation of digital competence and its implementation in the process of training future mathematics teachers at the following stages: basic, technological, and professional.
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