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information and communication technologies
university students

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O. R. Aleksieieva, L. L. Butenko, I. I. . Kurlishchuk, and V. M. . Shvyrka, “THE USE OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN THE PROCESS OF TEACHING ‘TRENDSPOTTING AND MODERN SPECIALIST’S PROFESSIONAL FUTURE’ ELECTIVE COURSE”, ITLT, vol. 72, no. 4, pp. 136–151, Sep. 2019, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v72i4.2499.


The authors actualize the actual problem of forming the modern idea of university students’ successful professional future on the basis of trendspotting as a direction for monitoring, identifying and studying a wide variety of different trends in any area of our everyday life. The article describes the main issues of designing an elective university course “Trendspotting and professional future of modern specialist”. The study briefly examines the structure and content of this course. The focus is on using information and communication technologies for teaching the elective course. It is obviously that in the modern conditions of the competence paradigm and constructivist approach dominance in higher education, the efficiency of competitive specialist training is provided by the application of information and communication technologies, such as Internet resources that underpin an information basis for this process, online trend hunting resources, cognitive visualization tools, Web 2.0 technologies, etc. It has been established that information and communication technologies not only provide high-quality education content but also activate creative abilities and other necessary professional skills of future specialists. The information and communication technology application as the key element for the successful professional training of future specialists is determined, in particular, these technologies are the efficient tool for the creation of high-quality learning content and developing critical thinking and educational and research activities of university students. They are the basis for forecasting the social and economic development of society and the professional future of university students. The practice of implementation the elective course “Trendspotting and professional future of modern specialist” into the university learning process demonstrates the effectiveness of using information and communication technology tools in the process of students’ professional training, especially with their orientation on the current and future trends.

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