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graphic preparation
electronic educational and methodical complex
a labour training teacher

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The article presents a general description of the electronic educational and methodical complex on drawing used for graphic preparation of prospective labour training teachers at Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University. The main didactic opportunities of electronic educational and methodical complex are generalized, namely the provision of systematic and consistent study of drawing in accordance with the requirements for graphic competence of labour training teachers; the increase in visual educational material and the ways of its presentation; the organization of automated pedagogical control at any stage of training; the provision of additional sources of information; the organization of students’ independent educational and cognitive activity; the access to remote information resources; the increase in individual learning process. A brief analysis of the main content components (modules) of the author’s electronic educational and methodical complex is given, namely methodical, educational, control, reference, information and search. The main modes of work in the environment of the author’s electronic educational and methodical complex are described, in particular an electronic textbook; Database of Graphic Documentation, Technical Details Base, Graphic Tasks Complex, Electronic Directory, Glossary of Terms. Additional modes are also highlighted. They include the archive of electronic copies of printed textbooks, which is freely accessible and recommended for the use in the process of graphic training of prospective labour training teachers, online resources on graphic disciplines). The results of the implementation of the electronic educational and methodical complex on drawing in the process of graphic preparation of prospective labour training teachers at Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University are presented.

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