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an educational and scientific project
preparation of the philosophy doctor
Microsoft Office Project

How to Cite

O. L. Totska, “PROJECT MANAGEMENT OF THE PHILOSOPHY DOCTOR PREPARATION BY MEANS OF MICROSOFT OFFICE PROJECT”, ITLT, vol. 78, no. 4, pp. 177–192, Sep. 2020, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v78i4.2852.


The article analyses domestic and foreign literary sources devoted to certain aspects of educational and scientific projects. The author develops the methodology for project designing and its automation algorithm by means of the Microsoft Office Project program with a step-by-step description of actions from loading the program to the formation of the basic plan. The preparation of the philosophy doctor as an educational and scientific project is substantiated, in particular, its characteristic features (purpose, available hierarchical goals, coordinated implementation of interrelated actions, timeframe, the budget, uniqueness) are pointed out. It is referred to certain types of projects according to different classification features (scale / size, duration / terms of implementation, industry affiliation, functional direction, nature of the parties involved, degree of complexity, composition and structure of the involved organizations, requirements to the quality of the project, the degree of binding, the degree of communication, the number of participants). The characteristics of the project (goal, vision and strategy, business benefits, organizational changes, time and costs) are listed, the processes related to the project, which implement various management functions (initiation, planning, implementation, monitoring and management, completion) are specified. The project on the preparation of the philosophy doctor of the 073 Management specialty on the example of Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University by means of the Microsoft Office Project is developed. The list of project works is formed. The developed project is proven to be universal because that it can be used in the postgraduate and doctoral studies department of any higher educational institution in Ukraine. The developed project on the philosophy doctor preparation can also serve as the basis for other educational and scientific projects.

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