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relational databases
database management systems
computer sciences

How to Cite

N. V. Sytnyk and I. S. Zinovieva, “MODERN NoSQL DATABASES FOR TRAINING BACHELORS OF ‘COMPUTER SCIENCE’ SPECIALTY ”, ITLT, vol. 81, no. 1, pp. 255–271, Feb. 2021, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v81i1.3098.


The article deals with students’ training in modern approaches to the organization of databases. NoSQL and NewSQL databases are the latest trends in IT field, they should be learnt and mastered by computer sciences specialists during their study. In the article the notions of databases NoSQL and NewSQL are explored and defined. The authors compare relational databases with NoSQL and NewSQL. Due to the wide distribution of different types of WEB-services, as well as the need for distributed big data processing, the article substantiates the necessity for a thorough study of a new generation of databases and professional competencies concerning their practical application acquiring. However, the authors state that studying the latest databases cannot be an alternative to studying the relational databases. Considering the conceptual differences and technological peculiarities of using the newest databases in Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman a new course on organization of NoSQL databases has been introduced in the curriculum of specialty 122 «Computer Sciences». The course aims at deepening students' knowledge about current main trends in the databases development and developing their competitiveness in the labor market. During the formulation of the discipline curriculum, there have been analyzed the educational plans of computer sciences specialists training of leading Ukrainian institutions of higher education, literary and Internet sources, which confirmed the necessity and appropriacy for studying the NoSQL and NewSQL databases. Criteria research and analysis of the database management systems rating made it possible to make a conclusion about the practicability of including in the curriculum of Organization of NoSQL Databases course a number of the most widespread databases of the NoSQL (MongoDB, Redis, Cassandra) and NewSQL (Microsoft SQL Server 2017 DBMS), which has advanced functionality and supports work with graphs.

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Copyright (c) 2021 Nina V. Sytnyk, Iryna S. Zinovieva


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