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distance learning
eFront system
future informatics teachers

How to Cite

O. V. Sikora, T. Y. Vdovychyn, and U. P. Kohut, “USE OF LMS EFRONT FOR DISTANCE LEARNING OF FUTURE INFORMATICS TEACHERS ”, ITLT, vol. 82, no. 2, pp. 182–198, Apr. 2021, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v82i2.3207.


Today training in higher educational establishments through the form of e-learning using ICT and the Internet is gaining popularity. In the process of training modern specialists remote technologies are actively used. They are characterized by a high level of interactivity and allow you to study a contingent who is in different places, having access to the Internet. Analyzing the various popular distance learning platforms (Claroline, Moodle, ATutor, Lotus Learning Space, Live @ EDU), we can distinguish the advantages and disadvantages of each. The article provides recommendations on how to use the eFront e-learning system in the preparation of future informatics teachers. Priority advantages of the eFront platform are identified, in particular, the organization of the educational process (creation of training materials and management of the learning system), ease of installation, clear interface. It has been analyzed that the system facilitates the adherence of future informatics teachers to a clear timetable for the implementation of the curriculum. Throughout the study of disciplines, eFront helps to establish a system of interactive interaction between teacher and student, students among themselves. The quality of eFront's educational materials for future informatics teachers allows you to acquire professional competencies in relevant qualifications. The eFront eLearning course is a complete system of integrated tools that are consistent in both content and user interface. The eFront student performance evaluation system includes a variety of forms and evaluation criteria for all types. EFront features contribute to high-level learning. For future informatics teachers, the eFront system provides transparency and dynamic learning processes and the ability to work on an individual schedule. The eFront platform enables the teacher to analyze the quality of the learning material and to observe the professional growth of each student.

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