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computer-based testing
online survey
postgraduate students

How to Cite

V. I. Starosta, “POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS’ ATTITUDE TOWARDS COMPUTER-BASED TESTING OF LEARNING RESULTS”, ITLT, vol. 82, no. 2, pp. 215–230, Apr. 2021, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v82i2.3304.


The article describes the attitude of postgraduate students to testing in e-learning based on the Moodle information system, which is an effective learning management system, interaction organization between the teacher and the students. There are certain aspects and corresponding tasks in the process of training future high school teachers to use testing as one of the modern methods of control educational process: the scientific and theoretical (cognitive) – to familiarize postgraduate students with theoretical and methodological foundations of testing; scientific-methodical (procedural) – ability to select the content component of the test tasks, as well as the use of the testing methods themselves; the evaluation-reflexive – testing skills as a method for evaluating the results of learning, analyzing the results obtained, identifying the students’ attitude towards their own results and to testing. The questionnaire аttitude to computer-based testing has been elaborated, an anonymous online survey of postgraduate students has been conducted using Google Forms. An important condition and reserve for the widespread introduction of e-learning is its more active use by university professors. Postgraduate students apperceive computer-based testing positively, since most of them: easily registered on the e-learning site; they experience psychological comfort during computer-based testing; indicate the sufficiency of the allocated time to respond to control tests; the most convenient form of testing for themselves is considered computer-based testing compared to paper-based testing and verbal; show sufficient and high level of motivation for training; indicate an sufficient and high level of objectivity of computer-based testing in order to control their own learning results; evaluate the complexity of the proposed e-tests on optimal level; successfully perform the proposed control tests; consider testing as a more convenient form of exam compared to verbal form.

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