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factor analysis
educational management
quality of education
information support of management
external independent assessment

How to Cite

L. M. Kalinina, O. M. Topuzov, and V. V. Lapinskyi, “FACTOR MODEL FOR ESTIMATING EFFICIENCY OF GENERAL SECONDARY SCHOOL MANAGING AND ITS PRACTICAL APPLICATION”, ITLT, vol. 80, no. 6, pp. 346–368, Dec. 2020, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v80i6.3912.


The article briefly presents the experience of applying the management model of a general secondary education institution and its sub models, created by using factor-criterion approach, to improve the results of educational activities. The main task of applying the model of the institution of general secondary education as an open controlled system was a significant reduction in the time for developing control actions by predictive use of models built by using factor analysis. The article describes the procedures for their formation, in particular, the determination of the weight coefficients of the parameters and verification of the adequacy of the models to the objects of modeling. On the example of using the sub models of information and organizational support for the functioning of a general secondary education institution, the possibility of adjusting the organizational system of information support of the educational process by using the results of modeling based on primary data is shown. The procedures, methods and means of obtaining primary data on the information support of the organization of the activity of an educational institution and the further formation of a forecast of educational activity partially are described. The corresponding scaling criteria are submitted. The presence and availability of its objective characteristics are shown. Within the framework of the proposed model, the possibility and feasibility of its application to assess the performance of a general secondary education institution has statistically substantiated. Organizational measures have been developed and tested, which provide an opportunity to avoid the subjectivization of the data obtained and provide their documentary confirmation. The article shows that the prognostic application of factor-criterion models for the functioning of a general secondary education institution makes it possible to predict the dynamics of changes in the results of educational activities and promptly correct pedagogical influences, management decisions and mechanisms for their implementation. Several options for organizing the adjustment of control mechanisms are proposed and the examples of their application are given. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is also proved by conducting the all-Ukrainian pedagogical experiment.

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