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cloud-oriented methodological system
training of teachers of natural and mathematical subject
scientific lyceums
scientific and pedagogical experiment

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The article presents the general methodology of researching the problem of developing theoretical and methodological principles of designing cloud-oriented methodological systems for preparing teachers of science and mathematics to working in a scientific lyceum, which is the key to training ICT competent professionals, highly qualified teachers for modern education. The tasks of pedagogical experiment and the basis of research and experimental work are indicated. A detailed description of each stage of the experiment is given. The second stage of the scientific and pedagogical experiment has now been completed. The approbation of the use of the cloud-oriented methodical system of preparation of teachers of natural and mathematical subjects for the work in a scientific lyceum on the basis of the State University "Zhytomyr Polytechnic" is shown. The experimental introduction of the cloud-oriented methodical system of preparation of teachers of natural and mathematical subjects for work in a scientific lyceum in the educational process of the State University "Zhytomyr Polytechnic" is described. The article presents the structure of the author's distance course "Cloud services of open science for educators", its tasks and knowledge and skills that are acquired by the course participant upon its successful completion. Peculiarities of conducting an author's distance course are revealed. The percentage distribution of the use of specialized cloud services by teachers depending on the type of lesson is given. In order to clarify the state of formation of open science competencies and evaluate the effectiveness of using cloud-based methodological system of training teachers of natural sciences and mathematics to work in a scientific lyceum, the following sections were performed: the skills and experience in their subject domain community and beyond; the skills and experience in research data, management, analysis / use / reuse, dissemination. Analyzing the results, it was concluded that the use of the cloud-based methodological system for training teachers of natural sciences and mathematics to work in the scientific lyceum has led to an increase in certain components of the competences of open science in educators. Namely: skills and experience in research data, management, analysis / use / reuse and dissemination.

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