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lessons of RE
MS PowerPoint presentation
moral and ethic

How to Cite

V. Y. Kryshmarel, “THE USING OF MULTIMEDIA PRESENTATIONS ON THE LESSONS OF RELIGION EDUCATION AND ETHIC”, ITLT, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 149–159, Jan. 2014, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v39i1.918.


Nowadays there is wide using of multimedia during almost all types of lessons. Religion and ethic education has some particular qualities in didactics and methods. So, using of MS PowerPoint presentations has to correspond with not only technical, but also content rules. Our main idea is to inculcation respect to other worldviews and don’t give moral idioms, but to use value-effective approach. Our recommendations are directed to increase an efficiency (on the basic of some examples of images, translations etc.). In conclusions there are main important aspects of using MS PowerPoint presentations on lessons of Religion Education and Ethic.
PDF (Ukrainian)


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