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cloud technologies
"Academic cloud"
cloud infrastructure
clouds topology
private cloud
educational cloud

How to Cite

O. H. Hlazunova, “PRINCIPLES OF MODERN UNIVERSITY ‘ACADEMIC CLOUD’ FORMATION BASED ON OPEN SOFTWARE PLATFORM”, ITLT, vol. 43, no. 5, pp. 174–188, Sep. 2014, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v43i5.1096.


In the article approaches to the use of cloud technology in teaching of higher education students are analyzed. The essence of the concept of "academic cloud" and its structural elements are justified. The model of academic clouds of the modern university, which operates on the basis of open software platforms, are proposed. Examples of functional software and platforms, that provide the needs of students in e-learning resources, are given. The models of deployment Cloud-oriented environment in higher education: private cloud, infrastructure as a service and platform as a service, are analyzed. The comparison of the cost of deployment "academic cloud" based on its own infrastructure of the institution and lease infrastructure vendor are substantiated.
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